German IoD


The German IoD („Deutsches Institut der Aufsichtsräte„) was founded 2007 in Berlin. It is the German Union for Boardmembers. What is our goal?

What`s next?

The work of the board of directors is changing. In the next years, three main tasks should be on the agenda of the board:


In big companies, toxic or micro management is the standard. If a company will face these challenges, the executive Level and the board of directors has to start: Trust has to be the common denominator for all in a organizational structure. But this trust must be lift by the Top Management. So a creative culture, which is able to face the challenges of the future, can be established.

Digital Transformation

Our Economy is on a fast changing way: For years, old industries (coal or in Germany the car industry) has dominated the economy. Now, new concepts and new ideas roll over. But it is not all techniques: IoT (Internet of Things), Artificial Intelligence or Big Data (There are many other Bulletpoints in the discussion) dominating the public discussion. But is not all about engineering accomplishments: It is the idea, of a customer centered Business Process: Think about AirBnB or Uber: They started as a normal „Homepage“ with new benefits for the customer. They used existing business models to enrich them and digging margins of old industries.


The members of the board have to be heroes for all employees in integrity. To honor every single person with respect and showing, that an organizational structure can only survive with the power of all members, is one of the main tasks of the board of directors.

One point are the rules of the „German corporate governance code“ (DCGK). We believe in these rules, so in future, only reputable and honor people are able, to lead big organizational structures in the future.


In the near future, normal checklist cannot help the board. The Executive Level including the board of directors has the responsibility for a healthy, trustful and creative organizational structure and to face the challenges of the next years. This people are sometimes hard to find. We want to help in this situation: The Goal of the German IoD, to open the „market“ for Board Directors with a free Plattform. On this Plattform are all „Certified Directors“ in Germany are listed.

4 Gedanken zu „German IoD

    1. Ich würde gerne schreiben: Wir müssen mit dem ersten Schritt beginnen…. aber dazu müssen die Verantwortlichen auch erkennen, dass ein neuer Weg notwendig ist 🙂 Liebe Grüße aus MS

  1. Ich möchte meine über 10-jährige Erfahrung als Arbeitgebervertreter im Verwaltungsrat einer gesetzlichen Krankenkasse im „Premiumsegment“ weiter anwenden. Dabei interessieren mich besonders Unternehmen der Healthcare und Lifescience Industrie. Vertiefende Informationen gebe ich bei Interesse gerne. Herzliche Grüße aus Baden-Baden

    1. Hallo Herr Kober,

      vielleicht setzen Sie sich mit Herrn Reinke mal zusammen, hier gibt es unterschiedliche Möglichkeiten.
      Ich werde Ihre Mailadresse mal weitergeben.

      Liebe Grüße
      Stephan Koß

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